This program by Independence Main Street is intended to help downtown Independence businesses improve their building, grow an existing company, or start a new company in the downtown area. Financing is typically set up as a 0 interest loan for a 5-year term.  The same application you use for any of the other small business loans work for this program as well. Contact MCAC or Independence Main Street to get started!

Category: Small Business Loans

 E-Community Loans for up to $75,000 for up to 10 year terms and low interest rates.  Is a GAP financing tool to help small businesses and Entreprenuers open or expand their business.  
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Montgomery County Action Council is the central resource for small business loans for several organizations in Montgomery County. By filling out theĀ loan form, you save time by using one form to apply for multiple loan programs! Feel free to fill out what you can, and...
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Rural Energy for America Program Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Program What does this program do? Provides guaranteed loan financing and grant funding to agricultural producers and rural small businesses to purchase or install renewable energy systems or make energy...
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