Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Services
Montgomery County Action Council (MCAC) partners with the Kansas Small Business Development Center (Kansas SBDC) out of Pittsburg State University to be an outreach center for small businesses. This partnership allows MCAC to continue serve small businesses in Montgomery and surrounding counties with more counseling, extended programs, and services.
In addition to individual counseling, the SBDC offers a full range of training for small business owners. Both online and in-class options for training are available for small business owners. Classes cover a wide variety of topics surrounding running a small business. For more information about the Kansas SBDC out of PSU, please visit their website.
The Kansas Small Business Development Center (Kansas SBDC) is part of America’s Small Business Development Center Network, the most comprehensive small business assistance network in the United States. Their purpose is to help existing and aspiring Kansas business owners achieve their goals in a complex local, regional, and global marketplace. They work to understand your business and its opportunities by forging relationships with your team that facilitate trust, cooperation, and ultimately meet your definition of success.
To sign up as a new SBDC Client through MCAC click on the link below and fill out the form. Make sure you pick the Pittsburg SBDC office as your preferred SBDC Center for us to access your account.
Sign Up for Assistance through SBDC at MCAC
*Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance.