Creating Ad Campaigns to Support Your EDO’s Marketing Strategy
November 4, 2024
When executed effectively, digital ad campaigns help drive traffic and generate leads for economic development organizations. But how do you develop resonating ads able to reach your audience? For EDOs, consistent referencing of the tailored marketing strategy, or blueprint, informs strategic ad choices and the creation of ads designed to further the organization’s goals.
Marketing blueprint basics
For ads to serve an organization’s strategic goals, the marketing blueprint needs to align with strategic goals for the year. After a strategic plan is locked in, incorporate key objectives into the marketing blueprint as focal points for the year. As the months roll by, these central goals can inform targeting, design, and platform use as ad campaigns are designed. Ensure the blueprint is solutions-focused and aligns with the mission of the EDO, and refer to it often. A well-defined blueprint makes it easy to assess marketing plans as they develop and reflect back when reviewing performance.